Answers to your frequently asked questions! Question: What does “off-label use” mean? Answer: Off-label prescribing is when a physician prescribes a medication for a different age patient, different condition, or different…
Answers to your frequently asked questions! Question: What does “off-label use” mean? Answer: Off-label prescribing is when a physician prescribes a medication for a different age patient, different condition, or different…
Online preconsent reviews are now required for children between the ages of 0-17 on two or more psychotropic medications. No requirements apply to children on one psychotropic medication. On May 28th 2018 F.A.C Chapter 65C-35 (Psychotropic Medication For Children In Out Of Home Care) was updated. CHAPTER 65C-35 65C-35.012 (2)…
Florida Administrative Code does not provide any requirement for Medconsultations when the child is on one psychotropic medication. Preconsents assist with information needed for the provision of express and informed consent for psychotropic medications. You can call our toll-free line if you have any questions about when to submit…