Tips for completing the online preconsent review form
- To make submissions user-friendly, the online preconsent form includes multiple drop-down menus (“please select option”) for items like county or medication names.
- It also lets you click a button to calculate age and BMI after you enter birth date, height and weight, and automatically enters Judicial Circuit once you select county of residence.
- Most menu choices include an option of “other” for you – if you don’t find the needed choice, select “other” and a box will open where you type in your other information.
- The preconsent review form allows review of up to eight different medications; you will see a choice of “add another planned medication” button at the end of Section 3. If you click this button, you will be given an entry field for planned medications #2, #3 and up to #8, if needed.
- Examples of monitoring plans are provided; it is not required that you use the plans exactly as shown, however, your monitoring plans need to be consistent with good quality of care.